Municipal Directorates

Tasks of the cultural department

Determine the priorities of cultural work in accordance with actual needs (long-term strategy) to preserve national culture and arts.

Providing activities and programs that work to consolidate Arab and Islamic values ​​and that contribute to creating a national personality capable of giving.

Expanding the frameworks and horizons of knowledge to serve the goals of development from a comprehensive social, economic and political perspective. Preserving and introducing heritage.

Directorate departments

Department of Cultural Affairs

Supervising the publications and publications issued by the municipality, and enhancing the process of cultural exchange between institutions across the Kingdom

Libraries Department

  • For the public library

    The Salt Municipality Public Library provides the following technical services and public services

    Receiving beneficiaries and meeting their needs for library services

    Inserting new books into the input documents, removing damaged books from the output documents, and arranging the books on the shelf.

  • Serving readers and returning books to subscribers and retrieving them

    Reference services

    Providing daily newspapers (Al-Rai, Al-Dustour, Al-Ghad, Sada Al-Shaab, Al-Amam)

    Training university students and receiving student delegations from various schools in Salt

  • Loan service. Accordingly, the library received approximately (7,000) visitors during this year. As for the loan service,
    Internal replay (1650)
    External loan (980)
    Number of new subscribers (16)
    Supply services, as the public library was provided during this period from 1/1/2023 to 12/31/2023 
    Allan Library was provided with a collection of books, and the total number of books in the public library became (15,000), including books by Abdul Halim Al-Nimr Al-Hamoud and books in the English language (1835).


    Daily newspapers (5)